Almost a year ago, these images were sparse. People were secretive about dumping or scrounging, and a little embarassed. But they've started to get brazen and vocal. I propose they (we) need a voice for now. That voice has been playing inside my head for days - Paul Kantner's "We Can Be Together." You remember the song, right? Can you imagine Middle America singing these lyrics? Many of us imagined it, exactly forty years ago.
We are all outlaws in the eyes of America.
In order to survive, we steal,
Cheat, lie, forge, fuck, hide and deal.
We are obscene, lawless, hideous, dangerous, dirty, violent… and [middle class].
So, what happens when the well-educated and highly disillusioned American middle-class wakes up from the sleep that begets monsters and realizes the true gravity of the situation? Lots of whining. Loss of self-worth. Bouts of self-pity. And then some anger. It's my sense that we're somewhere between the self-pity and anger stage, with anger starting to take hold. And it's about fucking time. Like the song says,
We should be together.
We should be together, my friends.
We can be together,
We will be.
Do it with anger. And do it with love. Choose your sides, target your enemies. Band together and "family-up."
Up against the wall, motherfucker! Scream it now! Feels damned good again, doesn't it?

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