Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The STP Family

I remember the STP Family well! And it truly seems like only yesterday.

In the summer of 1970 in Boulder, Colorado this pack of ebullient, edgy, in-your-face hippies perfected the art of living on the outskirts of society. They were a hard-doping, hard-drinking, dumpster-diving, wheeling-and-dealing street theatre circus unto themselves. Talk about living close to the ground: The STP family brought the ground up to meet us.

Foolish to some, courageous to many, The STP Family lives in counterculture infamy. I was proud to have met many of them, particularly Deputy Dawg, RIP.

But don't take my word for it. Do your own research. The STP Family lives!


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Anonymous said...

ey Crackerjack,
Thank you for all the nice things you said.I'm not sure how to put what I want to say, but I want to ask you something. I met a kid when I first moved in where I live now. He was with this other kid and I asked them if they were friends. I may not have this exactly right but the way I remember it, the one kid said he was not the other kid's friend, so I asked the other kid if the first kid was his friend, he said, YES. I don't think there was anything wrong with either of them, it's just that they were kids and even though I can't imagine that I ever would have had a friend who was not "my" friend even as a kid, I just may not have been that kind of kid or it was just something I never learned even as a kid. There isn't anything wrong with it though, it's a good thing.

What I'm trying to say is that I remember you as a friend and it wasn't even a matter of me being your friend and you not being mine. We just "were" friends. Even though,lets say that you were not my friend and I was yours, what is wrong with that. In any case some of the same things I liked about you back then are still there today.

I know the sense of loss you must feel without OJ here anymore


Crackerjack said...

Do you remember what year that was? What season? Where did you hang out?---Crackerjack

Anonymous said...

It was from January to September, winter to the beginning of fall. I left the city on my 22nd B-day, was born in 49... hold on...that would have made it 1971?

I hung out on St. Marks Place, which as u know was actually what we called 8th Street, from 2nd Ave going west to either the sculpture (that turned)or maybe Broadway.

Funny, I just realized I can't picture where 3rd Ave was or if it even existed, might have been like one of those things with the elevators in NYC, no thirteenth floor.

I was living on 11th st between B & C, and also 1st Street between 1st and 2nd Ave before I knew you on the street.

I knew Steve and Mona, and yes even Itchy, if I am not mistaken before they were even in the Family. Annie lived with us too, she was just Annie then and no one knew she would become Annie STP or STP Annie or as some called her OlvieAnna, or it might have been OlbieAnna, (it was a combination of her name and her husband's name.


Crackerjack said...

I never met anyone called STP Annie. Only Annie I know was never STP. Steve? Did he use another name? Then there's Mona. Only Mona I ever knew was in Berkeley. Strictly a California girl. She would've been about 12 in 71.
The family moved to Colorado in 69.Me and Zap were the only ones in New York for most of 71. OJ was a bum we met in a boiler room and invited to hang with us.
Itchie Richie wasn't there either.---CJ

Anonymous said...

I knew Steve before he became STP, so if he picked up a street name afterwards, I don't know what it was. I saw the pic. of Mona and Rufus in Berkely too. Rufus does not look like the Steve I once knew but there is no doubt that Mona is the same Mona I knew. When I first came to know Mona and Steve, a little before 71, if I remember right, she was 17, and Steve was 19, I was 20.

There were never any 12 year old girls sharing living space with me, with or without their boyfrineds.

When I knew you, Crackerjack, you were 19, OJ was 17 and Zap was 23. Either you were not telling the truth then, or you lost a little more then your memory since then. One time you were so drunk, that you couldn't get anyone to sell you alchohol. You told me that you were over 18, but you didn't have any ID and the proprietor of whatever liquor store you were going to kept on insisting that you were underage even though he knew you were not. You asked me if I would get the liquor for you. That's how I know you were over 18 in 71, unless you fooled everyone.

Annie moved to the South Bronx at some point and it is likely that the only way I knew she became STP was from an STPer which would have had to have been u, Itchy, Mona, Steve or Zap, although I might have found out from Paul. Paul was not an STPer. He was a friend and brother.

Do you remember Barbra. She was probably the prettiest girl on the whole lower east side. Do you recall seeing any girls that pretty. If so, it was probably her. She was with us too for a while, but she never lived with us, Annie did, and Kenny still lived upstairs all throughout. KC left, but Kenny was still there.

Annie had a girlfriend named Barbara, another Barbra, Barbara, lived on a commune at some point before I knew her. She haed a pic. of herself and eveyone else in the commumne naked. I love that picture.

The other Barbra, the real pretty one was living with a black dude whose name I don't remember now, (Soapy:? Ace? Deuce?)and a girl who called herself Kathy or Cathy, Kathy or Cathy Motherfucker.

If you keep going on like this Crackerjack, you may need to get some help.


Crackerjack said...

I wasn't referring to any picture of Mona and Rufus.The reason I know she was in Berkeley was that I was there with her. We lived together. She was my ol' lady.I also know that she was only a teenager in 74 and she wasn't in New york in 70 or 71 or 72. Maybe she went there later in life but that I don't know. I don't know if you make this stuff up or if you actually believe it but I just wish you'd move onto a different subject and leave me the f*ck alone. Please.---CJ

Anonymous said...

By the way Crackerjack, do you remember me saying somewhere that I recognized you on the photo site because not only did I remember you but that you still had short hair. On the photo site, here is a caption that identifies you, anyone who has seen the photo site would know who you were but I knew you in New York, the picture of you on the photo site, I think was in Central Park, Boulder Colorado. I know you were one of the last of family to leave the city, along with OJ, and Zap. If I am not mistaken, Itchy was going back and forth from NYC to Boulder before the rest of you. By the time you left the street, there was no family left, but I'm pretty sure I was still there and that was the end of my association with the STP family until about, 5 or 6 or 7 years ago (I don't know how many years exactly but I can look it up if it is important to you) when I first found the family again on the net. I met one girl there in particular whose email address I got from a chat site and we emailed each other back and forth for 3 or 4 years. She even called me on the phone twice. I liked her a lot, but we had a falling out over some stupid little incident on another site and we don't talk anymore.

Here's a joke I made up which you may or may not think is funny, but it will inform everyone why you had short hair on the photo site or at any rate why you originally had short hair and shaved your head.

The joke: The first skin heads were hippies who shaved their heads to get rid of their lice.

I had them too, Crackerjack, but God only knows who you knew that could shave your head or whether you had to pay someone to do it or if you did pay someone, where you got the money.

Do you remember barging into Ratners on 2nd Ave. and practically terrifying the patrons on your way to the toilet.

There was also a Spanish guy, we called Gypsy who knew all of us, me, Steve, Mona and Phil at the time and Lawrence an older guy I had known from before used to sleep on a hammock just above where Steve and Mona slept. One day I came home and Steve and Mona had split and some of the other tenants in the building told me Steve had a fight with a black dude over something he did to Mona and I think my cast iron frying pan was gone because Steve threatened the black dude with it before he left and guess he took it with him afterwards just in case he met up with the black dude again.

I had that frying pan for a long time and I missed it very much. Oh, I missed Steve and Mona just a little too, but not nearly as much as my frying pan. LOL?

peace bro'

Crackerjack, I am not making this stuff up and I resent the insinuation. And it has nothing to do with what I believe. These are not beliefs I am talking about right now, these are things that happened the way "I" remember them and people that I actually knew. I'm not sure why you can't confirm one thing I say, but it is not pleasent at all, then again it is not the worst thing I ever went thru. What I am going thru right now with my own genetic family is horrifying compared to this. You say I am bothering you, but when you tell me to please leave you the f@ck alone, then you are bothering me. I know that you are a bonafide STPer and I am no longer claiming to be one myself, never the less nothing I am saying is made up. If you could speak your mind and tell me that I am not family, I would accept that even though I can't say for certain that I wouldn't continue to "bother" you. You have the right to decide whether I am family or not but you do not have the right to insinuate that I am making things up and I don't know what I am talking about.


Anonymous said...

I just now broke my post up into 2 parts bc sometimes when one post is too long u can't put the whole thing up. It got extremely confusing for me once before and it was very difficult to sort out.

I saw the first part of my post, posted to the blog and then I couldn't access it again so I just posted the second part and hoped both parts would show up. they didn't so I am now posting the first part where the second part should have been. Please read the second part first and the first part next.

"This is the first part, it is continued on the post just before it".

It is possible that we are talking about two different Monas, but a girl named Mona and her boyfriend named Steve lived with me and it was around 1970 and I don't think I could make a mistake about whether a girl was 12 or 17.

I don't think either of them liked me too much, but we all got along together and I liked having Steve there and Mona too.

A guy named Phil also lived with us. Phil had once driven bull dozers in Arizona? Phil was the one primarily who taught me how to rip off groceries from supermarkets and Steve was there the first time I tried it.

By the way Crackerjack, I know you know Steve and Mona because we all met up on the street together one day and hopped the subway with a little puppy. Itchy might have been with us too.

Steve felt bad for me because I was now homeless and he wanted me to get to know some people he knew, I think in Brooklyn who might let me crash with them. I was too ashamed of myself to try it.

I know a lot more about Steve, not too much more about Mona, but I'm not sure Steve would want me to broadcast this stuff over the internet. However I probably have already and if so, I am sorry.

On the photo site there is a picture of Rufus and Mona in the street together in Berkeley. I don't recognize Rufus but it could be the person I knew as Steve before he adopted a street name. I have already mentioned this. In the picture Rufus looks smaller then I remember Steve and Steve was bigger then me when I knew him.

Mona may have been in Berkeley before I became acquainted with her but she is at least 17 in the Berkley picture and I am sure it is her.

"This is the first part, it is continued on the post just before it".


Crackerjack said...

I give up. I'll just go away. You can have this nuthouse.

Anonymous said...

The medication is much better in jail Jax, only difference being, once u get out u don't have to take it anymore.

Anonymous said...

You spoke of a Spanish gang that u knew on the street, I think you called them the Black Cats or something and some guy named Spanish Loui was in it. By any chance do you remember a gang called the Diablos, who hung out on St. Marks Place too. They were small people. Some of them lived on the lower east side, I have the distinct impression that for some reson they lived with their grandfolks, but I could be wrong about that. Some of the names I remember were Speedy and Demos. I know there was this one white girl in it too and at least one black girl. I think they named the gang after the leader and they may have called him el Diablo or just plane Diablo. Diablo never hung on the street with the rest of them, he'd just come passing thru every now and then, very infrequently as a matter of fact. Very tough people!

But I'm interested in Spanish Loui,of the (Black Cats?) did you call him and I wanted to know if he had any connection to a Spanish guy called Gypsy.

Anonymous said...

Crackerjack said...
I give up. I'll just go away. You can have this nuthouse.

Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:59:00 AM


I'd rather you hung in there with me and I'm only being half sarcastic when I say that there is too much of that giving up and going away going around already.

As far as you giving me this nut house or more correctly letting me have it, first of all, I don't think you are qualified to identify what a nut house is or is not and even if you were qualified that is a highly insulting thing to say.

Second of all, even if this is a nuthouse, I don't think it is yours.

It is questionable whether or not anyone “owns” a blog but that’s what this is, not a nut house and no doubt you did not start it. Have some consideration and a little respect for the person who did, if you even know, before you go calling it a nut house.

Since it isn’t you who started this blog, you might want to find out who did before u give it to someone else. To say the least, it is very rude to give away something that is someone else’s without informing anyone else that the person whose it is gave you their permission to do it.

thanx just the same,
and, oh yeah, peace too


Anonymous said...

Someone keeps refering to Mona and Steve. There must have been a west coast Mona with Rufus, because I am the Mona with Steve in NYC. You must have known us,cause you've got his description down pat, but we didn't look anything like that picture. I can assure you that Steve is not Rufus and I am not that Mona in the picture. We left NYC for Vermont in the middle of winter, didn't last long, before giving it up for Miami.

Anonymous said...

Hey CrackerJack howzit? I have been off this site for a long while As I peruse the site just breifly and not every post I see there is still the assorted "who is who" and the assorted "well I was there" folks etc. Oh well that does not matter to me. I wanted to update you as not sure you knew of some recient passings and other things. First, Buddy has passed, Also Big Steve is in real bad shape right now and may not be here much longer. Shit not many of us WAHs left anymore and the WAHs who hung with STP back in the day are almost all gone now.
As you (CrackerJack) were one of the ones that we (Greg and I)ran with for a tad in Boulder and Berzerkely just wanted to let you know of the passing of Buddy. I see folks mentioning folks like MONA now and some others was this Berkeley Mona or East coast mona? No one ever mentions Patrick either which is probally a good thing as I think he was a plant by the cops to figure out who we all were back in the day on the hill. But I could be wrong as I did get loaded with him too!!

Speaking of warm boiler rooms we spent a few nights on top of Tulogies drinking in the warmth of the little heater/compressor box on top of the Theatre back then even used to stash shit there.

Nice to see you still active along with some others. Funny how a lot of folks really want to "have been there" back in the day!! I guess it is cool to want to believe that you were there even if you weren't??? But hey I can only assume that some of us or those times are now considered "folk hero shit" lol!! Maybe we should do a PBS movie about it!!! lool But getting JACKED by viglantie cowboy wanna bes, losing teeth, getting gutted with tree limbs in PV and getting arrested on friday to be tken off the streets till monday was not as "FUN" as some might may want to be part of now! OH those folks who were not there then do not know about that stuff!!! OH WELL have a happy New Year and to all who I shared some platt valley, md20, quarts of C45 or a good tube of glue and a paper HAVE A GREAT YEAR and live to continue to talk about the way back then times!!

AND FYI for many who think they were there go find that Time Magazine where the dude who wrote that little article about the "STP and Street Family" see if you are in the Picture he took. As I recall it was in the "Americana" part of the mag. That was 1971 as I recall and by then a lot had already changed!!

PEACE and Love to all who were and were not there!! Hope you all have another year to remember "Back then"

WW/Wickwah/ChrisWah or whatevery you may want to call long as you do not call me late for any free meal!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just found this site. Any word on Raggedy rick, teeter, funky Phil? Lundy??

skylark said...

Hey Mona, Do you remember being with Steve in a gutted apartment on East 11th Street in El Barrio?

Lawrence slept in a hammock and you guys slept underneath him. I slept in the back room.There was also a guy named Phil and there was Phil and Sunday across the hall. Phil #2 used to knock on our door in the wee hours of the morning and tried to coerce us into making pancakes for him.

We all got together and built up "our" Phil's confidence to the point where he told Phil, of Phil and Sunday, not to come over any more.

Maybe I said alittle too much at one time, but I have very fond memories of you and Steve and you can't imagine how great it is to hear from you for the first time in all these years. My friend Kathy is typing this in as I'm telling it to her.

Peace and Love,
Peter and Kathy

Skylark said...

There used to be this thing going around the bad parts of the e. village that if you hadn't been ripped off at least once you were not initiated to the neighborhood.

It was rummored that Black kids would come down from Harlem just to prove there manhood by ripping off hippies.

These same three black dudes got me on the north side of Tompkins Square twice in a row. First they asked me if I could spare a cigarette. Like you know, I was so honored that some black dudes were asking me for a cigarette that I could barely get one out of my pack fast enough to give it to them. Before I did though, one had a knife around my neck and the other two were going thru my pokckets.The same three black kids did the exact same thing a couple days later. I didn't recognize them until it was just a split secod too late.

Thing of it was, there was this kind of code of ethics among rip off artists on the lower east side. all they wanted was your money. They always gave you your wallet with all your ID and anything else u mighta had in it back.

Mona,I saw the picture of Berkely Mona and Rufus on the original Family photo site years ago. the first time I saw it I was sure it was you. I remember you having blond hair. when i knew you in the city, I think you were about seventeen and I was around 20. I think Steve was about 19. I was kinda like a wall flower and very insecure around girls, that's why it was fun being together, the three of us.

One time Steve when out by himself and just me and you were in the apartment togerther by ourselves. You got real nervous and it upset me. Kinda like, am I that bad? I asked you about it and you said it wasn't that, it was more like you were worried that Steve was out gallavanting around with some other hippie chick.

peace sister, and Oh yeah, the other thing too,


Kathy loves animals. I told her about the dogs the family used to have!

Anonymous said...

that was very bold of you to admit that I must have known Steve, but where are you now.

Kathy is just my alter ego, I bwas pretending I had a female companion, I don't.

but I did know Kenny Pedro, he lived upstairs from us, and with a girl named KC, too. I don't think either of them were still thered when you were.

Kc and Kenny knew this guy named bob, who had something to do with the Valencia Hotel on St, Marks and last I heard, KC was supposed to work as a chambermaid there. Itchy lived there for a while too, with KC and Kenny. He was strung out on speed at the time.

am I getting thru.

Anonymous said...

by the way crackerja"x"

seeing as who OJ's old man was (is)? that was not a very nice thing you said about him.

peace, brother


Anonymous said...

where'd you go.

viva la company, viva la viva la, viva l'amour, viva la company

a little song I used to like when I was a kid.

so I wasn't there, there is no other family, only stp, but how about this,

are love children really second best?


¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...

RE: "Q"-"are love children really second best"? WTF does that mean? sheeeesh.......

rebel and llydia said...

cant belive it's taken me this long to find family! you dont know how many times we have sat around talking about "the good old days"i diden't hang around stp until i ment rebel at the fiddles convention in north carolina,i think that was in 1975? i love my stp family!they were the family that made me who i am,(or maybe who i'm not)any way thanks for being there for me when i needed you,and you will forever live on in my heart! we hung out a lot with jason and stephaie. may you rest in peace were a great brother! the one thing that i dont miss is sleeping on the ground! hay what happen to muskrat and blaze?

Anonymous said...

MOONDAWG sez wtf i not believeing we r online, wowie i'm 'bout 2 b 60 yearz, that wuz a while baaaack happy trailzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2 all

Mens Leather Bombers Jackets said...

Nice post love reading it
Leather Jackets

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Linclon is now an accomplished musician in NYC


¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...

Hi Cecil and everyone else!!! Been awhile since I've been here but thought I would drop in and say to all those that care if I say to those "HI" Life is still goin' and waiting till the finances allow me to return home. It's been nice spending time with my son and his family but I am getting way too old to keep up with these gr' they are soooo full of energy, some of which I had. Hope all is well and had a great summer...fall is my favorite season. At my place the trees turn to the most beautiful colors, fishing is the best and walking around in the woods is nice. Last time I took a fall walk, I found and raccoon and a baby doe...raised them and intro'd back into thier natural way of living. I miss that.

Anonymous said...

I lived with them in Portland, Oregon in 1975 , There was Jason, Stephanie, Little John, Lightening who was my boyfriend , Jesse James , Marty , and alot more who's names I can't recall. We slept in Washington Park. I was a throwaway child who had to survive and so I found them. Stephanie was jealous of me and so was not very nice . I loved Little John . They wore leather patches on their clothes and was always dirty . There was some good people in their group. I also hitchhiked to Berkley and there was some of them there . I always wondered what happened to some of those people . Those were rough times , but a lot of fun times . I"m 51 now and consider myself lucky to be alive after hitchhiking and riding freights . Oh, there was another guy , Howie I think that became a " Jesus Freak " as they called it . I don't know why I was thinking of those times and did a search. Wasn't expecting to find anything , but I found quite a bit.

Anonymous said...

Love to hear anyone's memories of Portland Oregon in 1975 and the STP family . I wasn't a " member " . I just hung around with them trying to survive .

Leather Jackets for Men said...

Nice post Love it

who, me? said...

Someone asked if anyone knew STP John - he was my old man. I was Goodwoman. But the STP Family I loved and was part of came out of the MF in New York. There was Zak and Carolyn, Roach, Wheat Germ, Janice, Betty Boop, Butler, Annie, Little Brother, JC, Hawk, Fat Pat, Deputy Dawg. Of course, my beloved and beautiful John passed on and Deputy Dawg, Roach, Wheatgerm, Little Brother, and Butler are gone. I lost touch with Betty Boop and Janice and some of the others. Those were beautiful people. We lived up in the national forest by Nederland - Tipi Village, Peaceful Valley, Party Camp (that doesn't sound right but something like that). For awhile we had a house on Spruce St - yeah, imagine that! I loved and still love that family. I went to the reunion at Patty's and didn't know anyone! But love them just the same. Anyone remember our awesome Dr. McFarland?

Men leather coats said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Men leather jackets said...

nice post love it

Charlie Brown said...

I had a bottle of wine or two with the Deputy and folks in the East Village days Charlie Brown

Anonymous said...

I am interested in the STP family cause my brother was in the family. I am not real clear on the years, but my mom used to drive us around the country during summer vacation looking for him. We found him in jail in Boulder one summer, that's when I first heard of the family. You guys really scared me, being a 10 year old girl at that time. My brother went by LTD, Long Tall Danny, his name is Danny Fallon.I remember sleeping up in the mountains at a campsite near where some of the family stayed. The goings on that night were unreal! Danny married Teresa and has 2 kids, but divorced now. He is living in Portland Oregon and doing well. And for those of you who knew my mom, like Karen, she is living in Minnesota but unfortunalely she has Alzheimer's and is fading fast...

Anonymous said...

I was young and a 'virgin' in so many ways when I first came to Boulder in 1968. In 1969/70 I lived @ 1013 13th Street w/ friends in a house formerly used by STP Family members and, in the early 40s, Glenn Miller when he was a student @ CU. I did not know any STP family members well or intimately, but many names sound familiar that I'm reading about in this blog. One I remember: 'North' who lived in a teepee in the mountains in the mid-70s. I recall when the local 'safe' dealers (pot, blotter acid) worked with local police to rid Boulder of heroin - it was causing some seriously-heavy problems that 'recreational drugs' and cheap wine were not a part of! I (Bruce) loved Boulder then ... and still!

Anonymous said...

I think that the cafe that someone asked about might be 'Magnolia Thunderpussy' on the hill. It was where I first experienced 'albacore' vs. the old standard tuna! Other possibilities: the cafe @ 8th and Pearl Fina station and Nick's (famous for its famous 'Nick's omelet' which could feed about 6 hungry people!).


Anonymous said...

to charlie brown,
i remember you and your girlfriend nancy in NY.


Anonymous said...

I knew some members of the STP family. I arrived in Boulder in'67 and stayed to '71 I knew and remember STP John well. I was the street portrait artist at the top of the hill outside the luncheonette/restaurant whose name I can't remember whose owner looked like Barry Goldwater who used to come outside and harass us occasionally although we were often his customers. John used to come through. He always had the biggest "shit-eating grin" (as a really big smile used to be known )on his face and somehow projected an air of complete selflessness. He often had a bottle of some cheap wine and , it seemed was always completely stoned on a combination and alcohol and other things. What was unusual about him was his total commitment to this state and the fact that he could remain totally real in this state which seemed to be why he was the recognizable leader of the STP gang. He was very likable, sweet, rarely said much but projected a loving, confident manner and was very interested in others and what they were doing. He was curious what I was doing there as an artist and showed genuine interest whenever he stopped by. I remember JJ as well, I think, a smallish enthusiastic friendly guy . One of the other guys whose name I never knew but who dressed like the Clint Eastwood character, "The Man with No Name" (complete with poncho and hat) sat for a portrait by me one time). He had a very intense stare as you can see. Here is the link to see it:
Although I thought of him as my friend he sneaked up behind me one day while I was sitting on the porch of some house on the hill where a some were living and blew off a firecracker close to my head. He thought it was funny. I didn't. A good friend was Watts who was black and dressed flamboyantly in purple with a cape and flowing scarves and was actually very handsome and played the role of Mr. Cool, which he was. He hung out with the STP'ers though not a "member" I don't think . It was he who told me the next morning after STP John's death that he had been shot trying to take a gun away from some fool that was pointing it threateningly. That would be totally consistent with the John. His most noticeable feature was a caring attitude about his fellows (however misguided) and it is easy to picture him walking up to to take a gun away from someone without the least concern for his own welfare. His death signaled the beginning of a gradual deterioration of the friendly Boulder hippie days of the late sixties. Sadly Watts was busted and sent to the penitentiary in Canyon City. There are a lot of of other stories from this indescribable and improbable time and place. I included a couple of other portraits from that time on my flicker page. One is of Sufi Roger who was the living embodiment of the R. Crumb character "Mr. Natural". He was a Korean War vet who, when we were stopped by the police , in his car, handed the officer a driver's license that was five years out of date. I remember he also had received a credit card (at that time a very unfamiliar object to any of us. He proceeded to max it out until they took it away from him and he got to keep all the stuff.. we were very impressed by that. And then there was Trumpeter John who looked much more like a Sufi mystic than Roger and played free jazz. And there was Urantia Bill who camped out by himself up in the mountains and John the Baptist who lived in the street and spent his time making prophetic announcements to whoever came by. But they didn't , nor did I, live on wild edge where the STP'ers lived...and sometimes died

Anonymous said...

Hey Cecil, I wanted to post the this portrait of STP'er "The Man with No Name" in the blog but couldn't figure out how. You are welcome to do so . Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Three years later, I've come across this site. I'm the Dave of the two twins spoken about in these posts. I don't remember being called the Gemini twins, but maybe we were. I was called Twin Dave by family to distinguish me from all the other Daves hangin out. But we are twins and we are Geminis.

One of the questions to come up on this discussion is how could we call ourselves family. There were all kinds of reasons why, one is that we took care of each other, even if we did fight with each other now and then, too. Families do do that, after all. And we all loved each other. And there were many groups of siblings amongst us, not just my brother and me.

Rick is still alive, too.

One thing I learned by reading this thread is that incident at the bar in NO actually did happen. It has always been a hazy memory to me. I wasn't in full possession of my faculties that night. Richie, Rick and I were both with you. It's good to hear from brothers and sisters who identify themselves and others who are remaining anonymous. I'm glad some of us survived. I miss you all and salute you.

Anonymous said...

I'll reveal a bit more about myself. I don't know why it came across my mind to google the family today, but I have been thinking about you a lot, Crackerjack, because I've been working with the poetry of an 11th to 12th century Andalusi poet named Ibn Guzmán. See why? Maybe somehow it worked something in my unconscious. It's been sooo damned long. But I'll tell you all this; coming across you all has touched me deeply. I'm waiting for the family web site to admit me. When it does, I'll send a picture of me and Rick from those days. I live wayy out of the country, but if we have another reunion, I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

weren't u and the manson family both attempts at alternatives to the conventional family unit. do you not have that in common.


Anonymous said...

i might have mentioned this before, but there was this guy I used to know or whom I once met. he said he had traveled with the Grateful Dead and he had once been part of the Merry Pranksters. He also said that his mother was a bohemian and that he was native American. the first time I met him, he said, hi, my name is Lloyd but that he didn't spell his name the usual way it was spelled and he spelled his name out for me the way "he" spelled it.

none of you STP'ers remember him? or Kenny Pedro either? what about the one who one of you says was just some bum u met in, was it a boiler room or something, the one whose father was a general according to the mouthy girl who was also a military brat. sounds almost as bad as a conventional family unit.

it was that real pretty one that drove "us" all crazy. Annie was not STP, she was us. "Barbara,(of the pretty) was STP. the first is not supposed to be that important for a man or so I've heard but it was for me.

serenity, tranquility, and peace


ny neil said...

Been years.was in nyc with the uawmf. Then went south. Ny frank and crystal went to boulder.brought the scene back to ny. New orleans then miami.hit sf in 74-75. Upstate ny in the sticks over 20 years!! Way cool reading the posts but haven't seen any "family" in years.god bless those that are still above ground. Rip those below

Anonymous said...

"weren't u and the manson family both attempts at alternatives to the conventional family unit. do you not have that in common."

True, a lot of people called themselves "family" back then. That and that we were all long-haired drop-outs is about where the resemblance ends. To throw in the name Manson appears to be mean spirited. The differences were greater than the resemblances. For one, the Mansons were a personality cult, all centered on the person and authority of one man. We were anything but that. Not a single member pf our family could wield ultimate authority over another, or if any could, it was the womenfolk who held more authority than the men. We men knew that we were all a bunch of fuck-ups and that nothing would ever change that. If anyone ever had it in mind to do something truly horrible like commit murder, his brothers and sisters would be able to talk him out of it. (Killing in the defense of others was a different thing). Another large difference was one of aspirations. The Mansons, or at least their leader, had aspirations to the high life of the glitterati. Ours were in quite the opposite direction, further down and out, and away from the accoutrements of fame and worldly acclaim. To us, success in life meant to get as far away from American society as possible while still being able to sustain oneself and his family. Suffice it that some of us in fact knew members of the Manson family, but not a single one of us was ever recruited to join them.

Anonymous said...

The closest we got to a personality cult was that we revered our dead.

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Anonymous, well said! In the truest sense, the Manson Family wasn't a family unit at all. I was always impressed that STP family always had each others' backs.

Anonymous said...


We surely did have each others' backs. We harbored a deep love and care for each other. The bond between us was like that of a true large, extended family.

Anonymous said...

"Not a single member pf our family could wield ultimate authority over another, or if any could, it was the womenfolk who held more authority than the men. We men knew that we were all a bunch of fuck-ups and that nothing would ever change that."

modern day Muslims mite have a problem with the above, quoted from anonymous, frankly, so mite I!

that having been said, I'd like to ask this:

STP stands for serenity, tranquility and peace but as u are saying, a lot of you endured knife wounds and even gun wounds but you were never the aggressors? you never used a knife or a gun on anyone else first? (except for instance in the case of stp john who stabbed a man who he watched kill another stp brother)!!!

the nonentity

Rancid Randy said...

Rancid Randy is here !!Het Richie and Redman and any of my Friends still out there write me back at randyz760@frontier@com.

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Rancid Randy, Welcome Here! It was beyond wildest dreams that folks would even read this post ten years ago, let alone join in to hook up with old friends.

I hope you get with Richie and Redman and any others. There seems to be a spirit here in this thread....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cecil.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cecil,I mostly Lived up at the Ahole fam Camp.We had a camp higher up on a ridge aways from the cabin but,still within earshot.We could hear them partying down at the cabin and they could hear us sometimes.The STP Family gave us the name asshole family cause most of the we prefered staying up at our camp most of the time and some were calling us Bogarts too. LOLOL.---Itchie Richie, RancidRandy here,WE tipped a more than a few jugs down in New Orleans.I remember th Eltro Hotel too and remember "wreckless eyeballing on Bourbon St I've gotten a lot of laughs telling that story LOLOL.All who want to drop me a line

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Throwin' it out there... In June/July 1970 I was living in an abandoned mine, about 2 miles up Boulder Canyon at a turn-out you walked North up the slope to the old camp. There was an old office/building and a big gaping maw of a shaft with no protection whatsoever. A local landowner had a little hydroelectric generator submerged in a rushing stream nearby - I remember bathing in this pool and freaking out when he came to inspect his stuff - but he was extremely gracious.

Eventually several wolves started hanging around. They got so tame they would show up late at night just close enough to our fire to be seen. We fed them scraps and they hung around for a few weeks.

Anybody remember that camp?

Anonymous said...

Hi Cecil,I don't remember that camp.Did you ever visit us up at the AH Family camp ?.We had a great view up there from our ridgetop.I remember once it started snowing so bad up there that everyone from all the camps had to get the hell outta' there before the road down Boulder Canyon got snowed in.We made double plus sure that no one got left behind.We all made it up to the road and hitched down to town and,all made it safely

¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...

Hi Cecil...been some time since I have been to the site. Nice to see it is still around.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the great raid in the mountains in 71 ? All the Boulder Co sheriffs with shotguns and park rangers came up taking photos and rousted everyone out of all the camps and,marched us all up to the road.When they got us up to the road they had a large section of the turnout roped off with a desk in the middle shakin' everyone down.It was funny in some ways.Can't member their names but these two guys were playing guitar and banjo like it was a party.Debbie DB took off running drunk down a small hill and went tumblin'down when the cops brought her back up the road ,her hair was full of leaves. lol The cops took us down to the Boulder Co. jail in the back of pickups in plastic handcuffs R.Randy.

Anonymous said...

Rancid says,Hi,Patty.

Anonymous said...

R.Randy says, How awesome this spot is.I never thought that after 40some years Later that I'd come on this site and see the names of so many people I knew on here.WOW !

¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...

Rancid...thanks for the "hi", It is cool to find out what has happened and where life has taken people. For a long time, I was curious to find out, which sparked the idea to have a "Reunion". Soooo...'99 Candyman helped me to do just that. He had a computer and I had the plan, together it happened. It was amazing how any responded, traveled and arrived at my home to have a week-end of seeing each other again. Alot of good things came out of it...on the flip side, not so much. Regardless, it was good to see the people I had been close to back in the dayz and to see how street life guided us to our passions. Anyway..."HI" to you and hope life is happy and healthy for you. (some of us do have health issues...could be that blast from the past taking a toll on our ol'bods)

¤Påttï§tårz¤ said...

*TYPO... It was amazing how any responded...the ANY is suppose to be MANY.

Anonymous said...

I was in Boulder back in the day, I lived just a block from mackie auditorium. .? Who was the guy who wandered around the hill with the tv and super long fingernails? Also any one remember Leo? also was there when the riots started , was it deputy dog who got hit with a billy club right befor all hell broke loose

Anonymous said...

Alright I just remembered the tv guys name, Hypnos sp

Any one remember Zulu and Junior they had a shop on the hill but I can't recall the name of it, I went to see the Who in Denver with them

Anonymous said...

R.Randy says:Patti,Happy Holiday and thanks for the hello back.I think it's a miracle any of us have survived this long.I didn't really get off the road till 77.Anything you can tell me about Dingy Dave,Jamie,Chipper,AH Dave,Greek Mary,Poop ? Back to ya soon.Randy.

Anonymous said...

R.Randy says: Hi again Patti.Can you tell me who came to the reunion? I'd like to know if any of my friends showed up.I knew most of the folks that were living in the mountains in 70-71 .I met more family in Tucson and New Orleans too.Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

I knew a girl who was in the STP Family, I think she was anyway. I only knew her by her first name, Barbra or it may have been Barbara. She was extremely pretty. One of the STP girls on all of the Family photo sights I have looked at always stands out among the other women in the family as far as how pretty she is. Barbra was five months pregnant last time I saw her. She asked me for five dollars because she was trying to get to Puerto Rico where abortions were still legal at that time. Abortions were legal in the U.S. at that time but I guess not after 5 months. I don't really care whose baby it was. I would just like to know if she had it. I hope so!

I remember one of Barbra's favorite expressions was not just, far out but far "fucking" out. I used to think it was so cool when she said that. She used to walk around the E. Village (or maybe it was just when I first met her) in a white T shirt with no bra and white Levi dungarees.

One time when she was living across the hall from me with Phil and Sunday she had was wearing an American flag dress.

I had a friend named Paul. He was the one who introduced me to her. She was living with Cathy or maybe it was Kathy MFer and a (soul) brother at the time. I don't remember the brother's name. Barbra used to work in a candle shop. She went to live in the STP loft with Paul after we parted company and the only time I ever saw her again was that time I bumped into her on the street five months later.

guess who,

by the way, I can't prove I'm not a robot but my real name is peter, peace the fuck out and love too.

Anonymous said...

Chris Whah
the STP loft "was" on third street between first and 2nd Avenue, I'm not sure I want to put this out on the internet but in case you want to confirm it, it was on the same block as the Angel's Crib. For those of you who are not familiar with Hunter S. Thompson, Angel's Crib is what would be called the Hell's Angels Club house.


Anonymous said...

I guess the idea of genetic fatherhood stumped the family again. It isn't important?

Anyway, I have heard nothing at all from Zap in all this time. I guess I have become the family's worst nightmare.

I'm not sure but did all of you wind up having genetic families of your own. If so why was it so important for you to be part of a non genetic family in the first place.

Mir (if I'm not mistaken it means peace in Russian)

Oh I understand now, you think I'm am a phoney, that I never said who I was because I never logged in.

Pat Lowry said...

I am writing this as STP John was my 1st cousin.I never knew any of this as no one in my family spoke of it. John's Brother,Max passed on Friday,May 2nd,2014 as the result of cancer contracted by agent orange in vietnam.My name is Pat and I would like to hear any memories of John.I can be contacted at I reside in Oklahoma.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Blackbeard Past Away in August of Cancer in 2013.

Anonymous said...

Rancid Randy says: Hey Cecil, How've you been? At your camp were there two posts with all kinds of jibber Jabber hanging off them in front of the entrance ? Take care. R.R.

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Rancid Randy, our camp was several miles up Boulder Creek Canyon from town. Here's how I recalled it: There was a road pull-off on the right-hand side as you headed up canyon, this pull-off had a very large pointed boulder sticking up. There was a cleft in the rock face as you walked North (right) that led to a rough path. About 300 yards up (and I mean up - it was a bit of a climb) there was an old mining camp and a slope of mine tailings. A mine shed (office?) sat a few feet away from a vertical shaft leading down into the mountain and to hell. This was where we made our camp. At first, we camped off the road in the canyon next to that rock, in a huge pile of scrounged cardboard, until the LEOs hassled us enough that we decided to go uphill where we found the abandoned mine. There was a hippie-friendly landowner up by the mine who had a small hydro generator in one of the creeks. He let us bathe in the creek there as long as we were below his drinking water pump. We rarely went into the mine office for shelter... most evenings were under the stars around a nice big flat fire site. The camp was raided by LEOs at one point but I was down in town that evening. I think back on that camp and am amazed none of us fell into the shaft - it would have been certain death. But we were immortal then.

Cindy said...

I knew the STP family in Tucson, AZ. Some of them lived at my house for awhile. I only remember Charlie and his gal - they had a baby girl Hyacinth Whiskey Dawn Darling Rodriguez. Great people, very interesting! Definitely knew how to party. Would love to know what happened to them. My memory is so bad I don't remember the names but glad I lived through those insane years!

Anonymous said...

Rancid Says, Hi Cecil, Haven't been here for a while. Thanks for the stories man. Interesting place you described. I guess I never did make it up there. Might have got fucked up and fell down the shaft myself. lol. Did you ever come down to Tucson or New Orleans ?

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

RR, in the rare instances where we were *not* blissful and immortal, the mine shaft did indeed scare the crap out of us. One day we threw a huge rock down the shaft. We could hear timbers breaking and rockslides for a long time. Musta been a thousand foot down. One of us was bulletproof, having hit up a benzedrex inhaler. Can't remember that guy's name but he was belching menthol and rapping his fool head off all day long. He wasn't fazed by that gaping maw. And in the process he collected a giant ball of tinfoil from scraps he had been gathering ("...we need to save this stuff - it will come in handy!").

I left Boulder for St. Louis and ended up playing music on the road for many years. I never reconnected with anyone in Boulder. In some ways I think it allows me the purity of selective memory, unfettered by the reality of the hippie diaspora and changing times. I think I was lucky to experience the Colorado scene at its peak.

Hard to believe sometimes that I'm ready to retire, and will be back on the music circuit again. Although this time the music circuit may just be a jam in the park or a street corner serenade.

Anonymous said...

so i take it that none of u are homeless and live on the street anymore. i am homeless and still live on the street. I am also 65, just turned it a few weeks ago. how about some help from the only people ever to do what you did.

peace out,
peter pan,

Anonymous said...

Dippty sleeps next to me in the train station sometimes. i am taking the liberty to tell u about her now bc i just heard her call me (i know the sound of her voice) and she is the only one who calls me peter pan.

BC is someone else I know, not to be confused with the computer abbreviation bc.

peter pan

we are local, not national and not loco!

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Peter Pan, gimme a holler when you can,

Anonymous said...

mr nixxon,
wha'd up. I knew a guy named Kenny Pedro once upon a time. he lived with his girfriend and his girlfriend's. he lived in el
barrio up stairs and caty corner to me.

I had a friend named paul. he lived there too. me and paul both liked kenny's girlfriend's girlfriend. she went by the street name Casey or maybe she spelled it KC. Itchy lived up there too. he was coming off a bad speed habit at the time.

any info?

Anonymous said...

crackerjack had told me when we were on the street that his father was a lawyer from Wooster mass. he also told me that he was of Greek heritage. i didn't know mouth until i met her on the chat site, called "chatter box" where that liberal music guy, his name always escapes me but i think he is from Minnesota and he is always talking about lake woe begotten; from her i found out, 35 or so years after the fact that OJ's father was a general.

also that OJ and crackerjack remained friends until OJ died in 2000 even after back in the day crackerjack ran over OJ's big toe while drunk and trying to mow the lawn at OJ's home.

war mongers you are now, hm! how wonderful.

peace the fuck out,

guess who?

i never would have believed that u turned into people who don't think touch or sex is love.

i'm sure itchy would have some snide remark to make about this next, it's just a lyric from a song, i don't know who sang it or what the name of the song was b. maybe for those young'ns he never heard it before it goes like this,

"...and if u can't be with the one u love, love the one your with, love the one your with..."

Unknown said...

STP Twin Rick posting. Both twins are still alive. It's good to know so many of you are still with us. Sad to know of those who have passed.
I've tried to contact Pattistarz and got nowhere.
Connie, do you recall a hobo trip from Tucson to New Orleans? Arid was with you, and there were about ten more of us, including my brother.

richie said...

I am an original member of the STP family. I lived with Stp John, Little Brother, Zac and Caroline. I know Connie, and also Patty, and others whose names I forget. The STP family was formed after the first Love in or Be In in Central Park New York City. They were handing out these little pills later called STP because of the three day trip. I had taken supposed acid before but there was nothing like STP which was more like LSD than anything else. We were brothers whom supported each other from coast to coast. I love and miss my brothers dearly. If there is anyone out there that is an original. I am Black Richie who lived on the Lower East Side and knew them well. I wasn't known as Black Richie I was the first black person in the STP family.Please I say Peace and Love. Please also contact me.

Not a Fan of STP said...

Fuck the STP family and the smelly cloud of filth they rode in to Berkeley on. I'll be grateful when they are dead, fucking POS losers.

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

Not a Fan of STP,

FWIW, this is my personal blog and therefore my soapbox. I invited all comers to participate, no matter the perspective. So despite your obvious animosity, you are still welcome. You must have some specific memories you would care to share with us, to explain why you are so down on STP. It's all right. Let it out.

Me said...

I knew the STP Family in NY when I lived on St. Mark's near Tompkins Square Park - Little Brother and Grandfather. When I moved to Colorado I lived in Nederland and came across Little Brother again. I lived in the Nederland house with Charlie Blackbeard (sorry to hear of his passing) and Stella. Their daughter Tanya posted way back at the beginning of this blog - very cool! I remember her. They had two beautiful Great Danes. I was Stan's old lady (Crazy Mescalero Apache) and later on I was the MDA Kid's old lady when he got shot in the back (not killed). It was an interesting time. The vigilantes were after us, so were the cops. I remember one night they raided the house and found some 'stems & seeds' and an old rifle that wouldn't fire if your life depended on it. They rounded us all up and took us to the Boulder Country Jail. There were so many of us, they just put us in cages in the basement, I think. It was one big party. Ah the memories.
Jan (or probably Janice back then)

Anonymous said...

black Ritchie now, is it. from statin island, coming down from a speed habit at 17 and living in el barrio. maybe you were the mighty Quinn too. shoot Nixon, not dope.

aka: copykat?

still against war, now against utoo

who, me? said...

I was part of John's days - we were in love. I was in MN when he was murdered and my heart was broken. Annie Fannie and Little Brother, Janice and Roach/Joshua, Bette Boop, Hawkus, JC, Wheatgerm/Adam, Bishop, Zack and Caroline, forget who else - John called us "The originals"

Anonymous said...

I knew annie stp. she met a guy named ohlvee or maybe it was ohlbee. they got married when the family was still in NYC. the baby was named ohlveeanna. I knew annie when she lived in the east village and just heard about her husband and the baby after she moved to the south Bronx. anyone remember annie.

peter pan

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Boy, it's really hard to get to comment here. I was one of the first flower childs in Boulder, I grew up there. So I was maybe 15 when I started partying with the family. I want to day I met Deputy Dog but maybe I just heard about him being killed.I partied at that camp in the news outside of Netherlands. I wonder if anyone knows if this was Midget Jesse that was arrested for this bomb thing and since these posts are so old if there is any way to reply to anyone??

Cecil X. Nixxon said...

I started this blog several years ago, and to my surprise many family members have weighed in. This isn't a board where users can register, hook up with each other, send private messages, etc. It is just a free-form discussion.

Some of you may want to hook up with each other and don't feel comfortable sharing your email id or phone number here. I don't blame you. But, if you really want to hook up, discuss it here and then send me email to with your info. I'll then be happy to send both of you each other's info by email.


Anonymous said...

Fuck anonymous and this nn dude.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cecil, I just wanted to say thanks for being here as My friend Redman and me connected and have talked on the phone for several hours a couple times and my other friend Richie has contacted me recently too.RR.Randy.

Unknown said...

IF Stryder is who I think he is ... Stryder, you crashed at my apartment on Camp Street in NOLA... probably around 72-73.... J.L. --- was NOT family .... played in a couple of different bands, did some gigs in the quarter. My ex-wife, Sherry, had recently left me... when you were crashing at my pad..... I hooked up with Mamma Bear.... I, too, am now into long-term sobriety... shoot me an e-mail.

Anonymous said...

I worked at the Electric Circus the summer of '71. Actually, we lived in the building until they closed. Met alot of freaks on St. Mark's Place. I had already been to Boulder and met the STP family 1970. Went from NYC to Berkeley, CA. and spent some time with the Black Panthers. Had to escape my crazy Brooklyn boyfriend and hitchhiked back to St. Louis, then back to NYC and NOLA was a once a year event. I had a weird kinda experience in Boulder with the STPs. I got picked up by John Q. Law for being underage. There was no way I was calling my parents and telling them ANYTHING.But alas, I didn't need to as a nice looking middle-aged couple came to "claim" me as their niece, and when we walked out of the station, my newfound friends were outside and we got shitfaced memory is a little cloudy on that part. They(STP)was planning a big riot against the townsfolk and especially the cops. I saw their guns and other things and freaked out. My boyfriend aattended the mayhem but I managed to find my secret money I had hidden on my person and thought this was the emergency to use it. I stayed in a motel and watched it all on the local news. Somehow, the boyfriend and STPers knew where I was and at about midnight a knock on the door. It was them all hyped up about what had just happened. The next day I told my boyfriend I was leaving cause we were gonna get busted and I'd already been to the Boulder police station once, I didn't want to go back. So, we said our fond farewells that night and stuck our thumbs out the next day.

Anonymous said...

It's been interesting catching up on this blog. It looks like most family got sick of the troll/stalker and left. To whoever it was that posted about PORTLAND IN 1975, I think I know who you are, if you're still reading this please post the name we all knew you as and maybe we can connect.
Little John

Wild Billy Wolf said...

I am Wild Billy Wolf I lived on the streets in 1972 with Eden, Otis One Eye, Drackerjacks, Mona Colona, Long Tall Danny, Mud JJ, Gypsy, Clyde...the origin of the STP Family wuz as the members of the Lower East Side Mother fuckers got together with some Drop out Freaks & took STP together...they resolved to be a Famiy and swore eternal Allieagence from cradle to grave. In Tucson in 1972 I took Peyote with Cheyanne, Sleeze, Two Beards, and Critter,,,we all saw Mescalito...the STP Family iz a member in good standing of the Psychedelic World Peace movement towards Heaven on Earth

Wild Billy Wolf said...

Monday 12, 2019...
I don't know about allthat stuff my name iz Wild Billy Wolf & I haven't hung out with the family for decades...I wuz in Bzrkly in 1972 with One Eye Otis, Eden, CrackerjckMona Colona, Debbie Doshebag, Mud, I wuz in Tucson in 1971 & 72 with Critter, Cheyanne, Sleeze, Two Beards...I wuz in Portland with Arid xtra dry, Connie & Jed and the baby and Ed and Marilyn & Larry F.

Me said...

I met Grandfather and Little Brother in NYC and hooked up again with Little Brother, Charlie Backbeard, Stella, Stan and others in Nederland/Boulder in about 1972. Good to see sone of us still around.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I look for all kinds of things online but had never thought of it to answer the "Wonder what became of..." question.

I'm Molly. I was with Mudd for most of 1973 and then for a little while in 1975. Some of the names are so familiar from our wanderings. Well- Israel and I couldn't stand each other but I have fond memories of Josh, Katy, Candy, Gypsy and Milan, Little Jesse and others we stayed with in Boston that summer and all over the place throughout crazy times elsewhere. Was still hung up on Mudd but it all was too much for me and I went another way.

I have often wondered what happened later and what became of Mudd. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Anonymous said...

IS Bob Wells( cheap rv living utube ) liabile for all the people he talk into being NoMad(gypsy) ?These people have been living in a car /truck/van some have tent or a Rv /trailer ? Bob Wells said His Nomad group don't want to be liable /Responsible (for harm /danger / illiness) from Corvid-19? Bob Wells Clicque clicke group he has talk into join him are now live somewhere he has told them that they can live for free on _ land ? Bob Wells has a select group clicke group that he is close friendly with ?( sand box syndrome ?)Are these people criminals /thieves ?

MF said...

I lived in Cuba NM in a situation like you stated. I am the founder of the MF family and stayed with members of my family Kathy, Dave and me Mike. There were STP family there too. I hope you see this

MF said...

I lived in Cuba NM in a situation like you stated. I am the founder of the MF family and stayed with members of my family Kathy, Dave and me Mike. There were STP family there too. I hope you see this

MF said...

I lived in Cuba NM in a situation like you stated. I am the founder of the MF family and stayed with members of my family Kathy, Dave and me Mike. There were STP family there too. I hope you see this

MF said...

I lived in Cuba NM in a situation like you stated. I am the founder of the MF family and stayed with members of my family Kathy, Dave and me Mike. There were STP family there too. I hope you see this

Paddy said...

I'm trying to find out as much information as I can about my mom, Mona (of Mona and Steve in NYC in this thread). My brother Chad was born in 1971 and I know when they left for Miami (as my mom responded under anonymous in a thread), she was pregnant. She gave birth to my brother in Georgia, after her parents convinced her to stay back. Steve went on to Miami and shortly thereafter passed from a drug overdose. I was born in 81 after Mona met my dad in 74 or so. I've really enjoyed reading this thread, piecing together the history of my parents. Mona passed away in 2018, and I remember some stories she told me about living in the East Village, going to Vermont, etc. Can anyone help bring a little more color to my mom? :-) Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

There was a post early in this blog where an anonymous post said she lived in a commune in NM with STP family and some others. Well I think I was one of the others. I lived in a commune in Cuba NM with a family who has STP and MF family. I am the founder of the MF family from Boulder. I was living there with two other MF family Kathy and Dave. This must have been around 71-72.

Anonymous said...

The Little Kitchen-down the Hill, and then there was the Charcoal Chef. We used to go in there and seat ourselves at the recently vacated tables with the most food left. Usually lots of French fries. They stopped letting the peeps use the toilets everywhere in Boulder. So the guys would just whip it out and pee under the table. Ha ha ha! Fond memories!

Anonymous said...

The Little Kitchen was down the Hill and then there was the Charcoal Chef on the Hill. We used to go in and take a seat at tables that people left a lot of food. Mostly it was French fries. All over Boulder, they stopped letting us use the toilettes. So the guys would just whip it out and quietly pee on the floor under the table. Hahahaha! Fond memories!

Anonymous said...

Cuba NM, north of town up a dirt road the Rio puerco valley. Major kat grub charese John bowery Mary etc. Major got pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the dirt road. Or the house east on the first road on the south side of town. The bar with all the rifles displayed, and the Hot springs around jemez

Anonymous said...

Judge(justice of the peace) Velarde, Cuba NM owned the pawn shop, six shooters for food stamps. He and the Cuba cop ran a speed trap on Hwy 44 (pray for me I drive 44)
Road ran from salt lake city through farmington to albequerque. Good gig till they pulled over the wrong guy and their trap got ended.

Anonymous said...

I knew STP John & Deputy Dawg I hung around them but never joined

Anonymous said...

I left Boulder in the fall of 1970
of those you mentioned I knee
Deputy Dawg, Bishop & LB

Anonymous said...

The founding members of the STP family STP John, Bishop &LB signs were Sagittaris Taurus & Pisces

Anonymous said...

I hung around the STP family in Boulder in 1970 and then Jesus saved my life now I'm so grateful, most of the family members I knew died shortly thereafter

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