Friday, October 16, 2009

fall surprises

Lotsa great mushrooms this fall... boletes, bearded tooth, chicken of the woods. Earth Mother Carla made a big pot of multi-shroom soup with brie and smoked gouda. Yow!

Tim and Carla at the Big Chicken Log:

And just today I thawed out what I thought was bean soup. Lo and Behold! It was the morel/portabella brie soup I made this spring. Hoo Wah!

The Big Chicken:

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Fantastic Glow-In-The-Dark Jack-O'-Lantern Mushroom

Don't try eating these lovelies - you'll get deathly sick. After all, what food that glows in the dark could be good for humans?

This specimen was photographed in late September at the Robertsville State Park in Missouri. Here are a few more shots:

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Fall Mushrooms

They're everywhere! That is, if you're willing to get out there deep into the fens and hollows, ridges and glades.

Here's a Clavulina Cristata found September 10 near Pacific, Missouri: